Monday, June 12, 2017

Inspiration VS Motivation | Design Life

Hello and welcome to the Design Life blog, where we discuss Holistic Beauty, Personal Development and a little bit of magic.

The words 'inspiration' and 'motivation' are often used interchangeably, as if they mean the same thing. Certainly, when looking at their definitions, the meanings seem fairly similar: 

Inspiration (noun)1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
2. a sudden brilliant or timely idea.


Motivation (noun)1. a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.
2. a set of facts and arguments used in support of a proposal.

There's a major difference between inspiration and motivation, and not only is it big, it's important to understand. Your happiness depends on your understanding of the difference between being inspired and being motivated. Does that seem like an overly-dramatic claim to make? I can assure you, it's not. 

Motivation is like the stick you use to get a donkey to move. It can be used to beat the donkey so that it has to move forward or you can attach a carrot to it with a string, hold it in front of the donkey, far enough so he can't reach, and hopefully he's hungry enough to walk. Once the donkey gets to where it needs to be, he can finally (probably) eat the carrot (or stop being beaten - kind of like how we beat ourselves up, right?). 

Inspiration, however, comes from within. When you feel inspired, you don't need external motivation or instant gratification to get you moving. You know you are inspired, when: 

  • You don't dread getting up in the morning, you look forward to the day. 
  • You feel excited to get started with something as soon as possible. 
  • You feel good about taking action. 
  • While you're doing something, energy seems to flow naturally through you. 
  • You are doing it for you, regardless of what others think. 
You need motivation, when: 
  • You say or feel like you "have to" do something. 
  • You need to set six alarms just to wake up in the morning. 
  • You're doing it for someone else, or someone else's approval. 
  • You feel physically and emotionally drained after (or even while you are) doing something. 
  • Throughout most of your day you feel hopeless, frustrated or unhappy. 

Why is it so important to know the difference? Because it's not just "nice" to be inspired, it's necessary

Too many people experience life as a challenge and begins each day as if prepared for battle. Too often, we are stressed and tense and turn to external motivators as a means to distract ourselves, at least temporarily, from experiencing the inner anxiety that haunts us. From the moment we enter first grade, sometimes even before that, we are measured against each other. We are taught to strive for society's abstract ideals and our true passion, talent and inspiration is suppressed somewhere to the back of our mind, or heart. 

No wonder so many kids grow up to be adults who suffer from depression, chronic anxiety and anger issues. No wonder there is so much underlying fear, resentment and hate throughout the world.

Tuning in to your inspiration will bring about, in time, an unwavering sense of purpose, which is necessary for a happy life and a healthy mind. There will be times, especially in the beginning, where you will feel some apprehension (and even fear) when you start to actively follow your inspirations, as opposed to allowing external factors to motivate your behavior. This is because you will be opposing a lifetime of conditioning of not listening to your inner voice. But sooner than you think, your initial self-doubt will turn into excitement and a sense of adventure, once your inner voice becomes your guiding light, rather than the many voices of the outside world. 

 When you feel inspired, not only will you feel uplifted, but you will also uplift everyone you come into contact with. Imagine a world where everyone felt that sense of purpose and inner-joy. Choosing otherwise will keep you at war with your own fears and battling others. 

Rediscovering your inspiration and allowing yourself to pursue a genuine love for yourself and your life, is not a luxury awarded only to a select few. It's the reason why you are here and it's necessary, not only for your own peace and happiness, but for a peaceful and happy world. 

In a following blog post, we'll look at how to ignite a sense of inspiration (hint: it's linked to your life purpose). Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! 

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