Thursday, May 25, 2017

Become an Instrument for Love | Design Life

Hello and welcome to the DesignLife blog where we discuss Holistic Beauty, Personal Development and a little bit of Magic!

It's a really good thing to have goals in your life and to actively pursue them on a day to day basis. It provides a sense of purpose and direction, especially when your goals are aligned with your values and ideals. When you know yourself and what you want from life, it's easy to set goals and much more satisfying when you achieve them. I have dedicated a lot of my time and energy to discover who I am and what my Divine Purpose is, so that I could set goals aligned with my true self and create my ideal life. As a result, I can honestly say, working towards goals that I have set for myself, as opposed to working toward social ideals, is a deeply satisfying and inspiring experience.

However, I have come to the realization that their is a far, far greater experience that I have been missing out on, because I was so focused on setting the "right" goals for myself. I was so earnest to create opportunities that I might pursue these goals, that I forgot to surrender myself and my dreams to the Infinite Love and Knowledge of God (the Universe, Source, Higher Self or whatever you prefer to call it). You see, after spending the time to get to know myself and what I wanted from life, I was so excited to "get there" that I tripped over the "hows" and the "whens" and the "wheres". I failed to remember that the plans I have for myself and my life are part of a much bigger picture and that even that which I see for myself, pales in comparison to what God sees for me. 

Often we get so fixated on how we want things to work out and what we think should happen next, that we close our minds off to the infinite, creative possibilities that are available to us. Whenever you are single-minded about what "should be", you limit God's ability to work miracles in your life... We were granted the gift of free will, so God will not intervene unless we surrender our desires, our plans and our dreams to the Infinite Wisdom that is Source. God not only knows what is best for you, God (your Higher Self, Source, the Universe) knows what is best for everybody involved and the perfect way for it to unfold for the highest good of all. That does not mean God is not going to give you what you want, it means that God will give you what you want at the perfect time in the perfect way so that it benefits the world - so that your happiness benefits the world, too. 

We are all in this together and each person's happiness contributes to the Light and the Joy of the world. God wants you to be happy, the Universe wants all your dreams to come true (you wouldn't have a desire if it were not possible), because when you are truly happy, you shine a light so bright, it casts away the darkness. Light and dark can't exist in the same space at the same time, it's impossible. So when you are thriving, when you are living your life with hope, love and faith, you are literally God in motion and you become an Instrument for Love. Your life becomes a testimony for others that they, too, can follow their dreams, overcome their obstacles and live a life in Love, free from fear. That is why we are here, after all. To learn how to Love as God loves - unconditionally. 

If you rely only on your own power to set goals, hustle your heart out, create opportunities for yourself and move mountains in an attempt to achieve Greatness, your progress will be slow and you will often feel tired, frustrated and unworthy... But when you surrender the struggle, the hows, the whens and the wheres to the Universe, not only will the path open itself up for you, it will open up for others too. Surrendering to the Universe creates a ripple effect of changes, patterns and loving seeming-coincidences from which all will benefit. When YOU shift your approach to life, from a place of surrender (to faith, Love, God), rather than a place of obsessive control (of circumstance, people and outcomes) it shines a light onto all. 

As Gabrielle Bernstein writes in her book, The Universe Has Your Back, "There is no greater experience than allowing the presence of love to move through you". It's great to set goals and feel motivated about actively pursuing them and making something happen in the world... But don't forget to tune into your Higher Power. Pause for a moment and be willing to be an Instrument of Love throughout your life. When you surrender your desires to the unlimited power of the Universe, and let Love direct your life, your dreams will come true in magnificent ways. It will open the floodgates for miracles and Truth, which will break down the walls others have built around themselves and cast a bright light, driving out our fears, our doubts and all hate. 

Light and dark can't exist in the same space at the same time, it's impossible.

Become an Instrument for the Love of the Universe. Bernstein writes, "Begin each day with a prayer, How will You use me? then step back and allow. Let love direct your life." When you are willing to do this, you will feel Love working through you. You will think like you have never thought before, speak like you have never spoken before. You will persevere where previously you would have given up. You will receive guidance, support and protection. It's a really good thing to have goals in your life and to actively pursue them on a day to day basis. And it's a magical and exciting experience, when you let LOVE direct your path. 

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