Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How To Start Your Blog | Easy Tips | Design Life

Hello and welcome to the DesignLife blog where we discuss Holistic Beauty, Personal Development and a little bit of Magic!

 I'm writing this post, because I've been asked by a YouTuber how to start a blog and what it should be about. This post is dedicated to you, Peyton, and anyone who has absolutely no experience with blogging, but is thinking about starting a blog.

If you are a creative person or you would like to express yourself and your thoughts through writing, then YES, you should definitely start a blog! If you would like to make a career out of blogging, then the best advice I have for you is start today. The more you do something, the better you will get at it. You might not start making money overnight, but whatever your reason for wanting to blog is, you might as well start today!

First up, if I haven't convinced you yet, here are some benefits that I believe you will gain from blogging:

1. You will get a lot better at writing. Even if you suck at first, if you really want to do it, you would keep at it. So write and write and then write some more and don't be afraid of constructive criticism.
2. Connecting with like-minded people. Primarily, your blog should be for yourself. It's main purpose should be to express your thoughts creatively or to do it because you love to write. But, it IS a great way to connect with people! Odds are, if you share your blogs online, people will start  reading and those that like what you write will come back for more. This is a great way to connect with people like yourself.
3. Becoming an influencer. If you keep at it and write consistently and create valuable content, you will gain influence. Your blogs will be trusted and you could use your online voice to inspire and help others.
4. Self expression. Writing has therapeutic value and could help you cope with stress or frustration. When you have a healthy way to deal with emotions like that (not necessarily writing about the emotions, but just writing about anything) you will be happier in general.

How to get started

The best way to start your blog (and write your posts comfortably) is from a computer or laptop. I have used another blogging platform in the past, but honestly, Blogger (the platform I am using and that you are reading this on) is user-friendly and I would say is perfect for any beginner.

Go to and Sign Up. Fill in the basic information and voila! You can start blogging. Wait, wait, before you rush over there! Read the tips below.

  • Decide what you want to blog about and create your blog name and content, always keeping that in mind. If you're doing it for personal reasons, I would suggest branding your blog as a Lifestyle blog and including regular and consistent posts about the things you love. Take my blog name and purpose for example: 

  • Once again, keep your content consistent and post regularly. In other words, commit to at least one post per week (or per day if you want to make a career out of it!). By "consistent" content I mean that you should write about the same things, generally. For example, I write about "Holistic Beauty, Life Design and a little bit of magic". 
  • Even though constructive criticism is good from people who want to help you, don't be bothered by unnecessary negative feedback. In other words, internet trolls! Honestly, don't even fight back. Just delete their comments or ignore it and keep writing anyway! 
  • Read other people's blog and see what you like about their blogs. I'm not saying you should copy their styles, but it's a great place way to be inspired. In fact, just read A LOT. It makes you a more interesting person in general. 
  • Go to Pinterest for ideas too! Just type in "Blog Ideas" if you're having trouble choosing topics at first. A great start would be doing a blogging challenge to get your blog going!
  • HAVE FUN! Honestly, just make sure you enjoy what you are doing and do it for the right reasons... which is to enjoy it and be creative and improve your skill! Not to impress others or to "get famous". 
  • Be true to yourself. 
Here is a great blog challenge I found on Pinterest for you. For example, the first blog post could be about your blog's name and why you chose it and what the purpose of your blog is. You could try and do this in 30 days OR one per week even.  

Lastly, here is another great tip, but it's not from me, so I can't say that I've tried it. But it seems like a really good way to start your first 30 blogs... 

Create artificial limitations.
Write a post in 30 minutes. Start every sentence with an ‘A’. Make every post exactly 748 words. Create artificial limitations. It may seem ‘limiting’ at first, but you’ll find that creativity is born within a framework and that it can actually make writing easier. - Found on 

I hope this will help you get started and that you will enjoy the blogging experience! I have been writing since I could pick up a pen and sharing my thoughts online has been such an amazing learning experience, I hope it is for you too. Which tips/advice is your favourite? Let me know in the comment section below and don't forget to share your blogs with me 😊

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