Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Power is within You | Design Life

Hello and welcome to the DesignLife blog where we discuss Holistic Beauty, Personal Development and a little bit of Magic!

Have you ever felt like your own worst enemy? As easy as it is to blame others for your mistakes or misfortunes, I believe that we all know (even if we try to hide it from ourselves) we are ultimately responsible for the course of our lives and the state it is currently in. Too many people have overcome their demons and dramas and came out better and stronger on the other side for anyone else to have a valid excuse not to do the same. Yet, how often do we make excuses?

"I'm too shy."

"I didn't have the money to do what I want."

"I didn't know how to do it."

"I didn't have the time."

"I'm too old to start now."

"But what would people have said if I did that?"

"My partner/parents/friends didn't support me/let me down."

"I already tried and I failed."

How many of those excuses have you used? There are many, many more and people (myself included) use them every day. The problem with using excuses to blame someone (or something) else for any situation in your life at all is that it is a literal relinquishment of your personal power. When you give that power away, to whoever or whatever, you give up the opportunity to change and to have things work out in your favor.

Any mistake or misfortune can end up being your greatest blessing if you keep yourself from labeling it as a curse. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, or in plain English, the words you speak have power over your life experience. If you use your words consistently to complain, worry, express fears and condemn others (or experiences), life will reveal to you nothing but more things to complain about, worry about, fear for and condemn.

Regardless of what has happened and the current state of your life, if you can speak in positive words of hope, faith and positive expectation, life will reveal to you solutions, serendipities and awe-inspiring experiences. You see, the words you speak are making an impression on your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is the part of the mind of which you are not fully aware but which influences your actions and feelings. It's not subjective, like your conscious mind, so whether you are condemning yourself, or someone or something outside of yourself, it doesn't matter, you are imprinting the inherent quality of condemnation onto your subconscious.

What is your subconscious mind indented with? Doubt? Fear? Failure?

It's true that as children our subconscious minds are imprinted with the thoughts and beliefs of those around us, but as we grow into our own mind we are all given the choice, every single day for the rest of our lives, do I keep thinking as I have before, or do I choose to think new, more empowering thoughts? Albeit it seems as though we are the result of the things that have happened to us, in truth, we are the result of how we choose to react to the things that has happened.

Do you choose to see your mistake as a failure or a lesson? Therein lies your power. What do you believe, is life happening to you or is life happening for you? Which statement empowers your mind and which statement enslaves it?

Therefore it  really doesn't matter what anyone else says or does. You are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul, because nobody can think for you or speak for you. Take back your power by accepting responsibility for your thoughts, your words and your attitude. Change your thoughts and your words will adjust - this will transform your life. Happiness, success, health and wealth is your birthright and nobody but you can keep yourself from it. Life is not happening to you, life is happening for you and if you will allow it, it will be the greatest adventure.

Take a moment to consider the current state of your life. The external world is a reflection of the internal you. If things are not as you would like them to be, don't use this as an excuse to blame yourself for not thinking right either. You have done the best you could with what you knew up to this moment. When you know better, do better.

What do you believe about life and why? Where did your beliefs originate? Are they empowering or detaining? In other words, are they serving you or holding you back?

"I am willing to learn and grow." Empowering.

"I am not smart enough to do something like that." Detaining.

"There is always a solution and it will be revealed to me." Empowering.

"The world is filled with trials and tribulations." Detaining.

Nobody can think for you. Nobody can speak for you. The power of life and death is in the power of your tongue. Nobody can hold you back, except your own thoughts, your own beliefs and your own actions (or lack thereof). Get out of your own way by changing the way you think. Impress upon your subconscious mind thoughts of happiness, success, health and wealth, regardless of the current state of your external world. Change begins within, if you cannot change the way you think, life will continue to give you more of the same.

Forgive others for their disbelief and forgive yourself for your own ignorance. You know better now, so do better. The Power is within you.

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