Friday, April 14, 2017

The Numbers Game | Design Life

Hello and welcome to the DesignLife blog where we discuss Holistic Beauty, Personal Development and a little bit of Magic! 

I don't usually post blogs more than once a week, however, today I decided to blog about something that I often get asked about. A few weeks ago, Hanco and I did a vlog wherein we shared a fun game we play with everybody who watches our videos. If you want to check out the vlog first, here it is 👉  (trust me, there's a reason for that photo in the thumbnail! The video is worth a watch, even if I do say so myself).

The game we play in this vlog is called The Numbers Game. However, his is just one of the games we play (we also play The #HappyThingsGame). The Numbers Game is really easy and the reason why we play it, is because Hanco and I believe that we (not just us, but all people) create our own luck. We are Creators of our own happiness and magic and things don't just happen to us, we are the Creators of our life experience, whether we create consciously or unconsciously, we are always creating with our thoughts, our feelings, what we say and what we do. We are the creators of our own luck and happiness, because we are in control of the meaning that we give to things in our lives. What we see and the experiences we have are interpreted by us. This belief is also included in the #HappyThingsGame. You can watch that video here  👉 

As I explain in the video, things and experiences are neutral until we give them meaning from our individual perspectives. Rain, for example, is a neutral occurrence. When I am sleeping, warm in my bed and it starts to rain outside, I am not even aware of the rain. It has no effect on me, therefore the rain (from my perspective) is irrelevant. When a bride has planned her wedding outside on a specific date and everybody has showed up in their most beautiful clothes, ready to celebrate one of the most special days of her life with her and it starts to rain, the rain will be interpreted by her as a disaster! But, when a farmer has suffered a great financial loss as a result of a draught that has carried on for months... The moment it starts to rain, he will fall to his knees in gratitude, because from his perspective, the rain is a blessing. Three people, three perspectives, the same thing = rain. Money is neutral, places are neutral, words are neutral until we give them meaning

So, back to The Numbers Game. Seeing as Hanco and I believe we create our own luck and we give meaning to the things in our lives, we chose to see numbers as lucky. Especially repeating numbers.We believe, numbers are a universal language, so to speak, because people speak different languages and call the same things different words and we can pretty much change whatever we want when it comes to languages (I mean, we just recently started inventing words like bae and given a whole new meaning to words like "ship" and "lit"), but NUMBERS are universal. Numbers, unlike language, was not created by us. Honestly, I do not have the capability to explain anything mathematical to you, but numbers (like any truth) don't need to be understood to be true. 

(If you are interested in reading more about this topic in general, why not start with this article: click here.)

Anyway, to cut my long story short, I did some research and found an interesting science called Numerology. Numerology is the study of numbers and the manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. As some of you may know, I don't believe in any singular truth (I'm not sure if this is the exact right way to put it, but anyway...), but as I've said before, I do believe that we give meaning to the things and events in our lives. So, Hanco and I decided to make up a numbers game. How it works, is if you see repeating numbers (especially numbers like 111,222, 333...), this is a really good message from the Universe that brings us good luck! See below for some of the meanings: 

111: Make a WISH. Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts are manifesting instantly into form. Focus only upon your desires and not upon your fears.

222: The Universe is sending you good luck in LOVE. Focus on the good things in your relationship, keep the faith and more love is flowing to you right now. 

333: Is a beautiful, spiritual message. God is reminding you, you are never alone. The number 3 refers to the trinity, and means that you are receiving divine protection, help, and guidance. If you do not believe in the concept of the trinity, this message is from whoever God is for you that you are never alone

444: This is a good sign about your job/career/dream. It means that you should pay attention to your intuition and inner wisdom when it comes to any topic about your career or dreams about your career. Good vibes are being sent to that part of your life right now. Number 444 is a message that you have nothing to fear in regards to your life, work and Divine life purpose. 

555: We have chosen number 555 to be all about friendship (because we high give our good friends only okay 🙄 ). So their is a lot of good vibes being sent to your relationships with your friends right now. If you're having trouble with a friend, this means that it'll be okay soon. If you're looking for new, more positive relationships in your life, this is a sign that it is well on the way!

666: We have chosen number 666 to be all about family. Parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins etc. These people are part of your family for a reason. Number 666 reminds you of your ability to use your imagination and the intellect combined to bring about positive outcomes in this area of your life. Good thoughts bring about good things! 

777: This number is super powerful and it's all about how you feel about yourself. Self-love is the start of all love. When you see this number, it's like a wink from the Universe reminding you that you are looking great 😉  inside and out! You are a beautiful (or handsome) spiritual being and you look amazing right now! This number should give your confidence a little boost whenever you need it! 

888: This number is one of my favorites as it's all about abundance, financial freedom and independence! Angel Number 888 indicates that financial and material abundance is on its way into your life and suggests that you will receive unexpected rewards for past abundant vibrations you sent out into the world. Exciting!

999: Number 999 can be a strong suggestion that a phase (or phases) in your life is/are coming to a definite end and you can expect many closures in your life. This is a good thing, because it is preparing you to begin a wonderful new part of your life. It can be anything from a new relationship, to a new way of thinking, to a new style or whatever your life needs in that moment. 

000: This number means you get to choose any of the numbers above! Where do you need the most luck in that moment? Confidence? Relationships? Feelings of abundance? Ask and you will receive! 
Remember though, that this is just a reminder that you can choose what you want, but in actual fact, the Universe will give it ALL to you whenever you want! 

ALL OF THIS is available to you whenever you truly ask for it! The numbers only pop up as a reminder and you can play this game whenever you want to feel good and tap into some really good vibes 🙋 Have fun playing! 

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