Monday, August 29, 2016

Have Faith | Design Life

I don't usually write religious posts, because, in my opinion, religion is subjective and usually ends up offending someone. Faith, however, isn't dependent on a specific religion, so even though it's usually associated with religion in general, it's relevant to most major religions. Faith usually means one of two things:

1. A strong belief in the  doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof, or

2. complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

To me, having faith means believing in something even when others have doubts (sometimes, even when you have doubts!). Faith is believing in yourself even when others don't.
 Life can be pretty scary sometimes. We get so caught up in the "HOW could it ever be possible?" that the HOW becomes bigger and bigger, and we end up not even trying. We all get scared sometimes...

How will I pay my rent at the end of the month?
Will she ever forgive me?
I don't want to go to gym - what if people laugh at me?
What if I don't know anyone there?
I'm not good enough for him.

We all have our demons. It's like the whisper in the back of your mind and run up and down your spine. Fear. They make you fear change. They make you feel unworthy. They make you unforgiving, and unforgivable. Your demons are wrong.

Have faith in yourself. Put your demons to sleep. You are worth so much more than you think. Have faith in your future. The present is a powerful thing. And what you put out in thoughts now, whether it's thoughts of worry or thoughts of faith, will influence the eventual outcome.

Uncertainty attracts misery. Faith attracts confidence.

Trust me, I realize this is easier said than done. I never write to moralize or preach about what anyone should or shouldn't be doing. I am literally just talking to myself right now.
It's easy to have faith when things are going really well. But the moment a difficulty presents itself, you forget how far you have come and focus only on the distance you still need to go. The distance from where you are, to where you want to be, is irrelevant.
Focus on the goal. And do whatever you can, with whatever you have, from wherever you are.
Here are a few tips to help you when you lack faith, and focus (if you'd like, write them down or print them out - keep it somewhere you can reread it when you feel like giving up):

- BREATHE. Imagine inhaling clear, white light (your faith) and exhaling any negative, dark feelings of fear or doubt.

- Write down a few phrases that make you feel really good. Do at least three. Compliments about yourself, a few things that you are proud of that you've already accomplished, or write down the first thing you would do when whatever you're working towards does happen (imagine it too!).

- Listen to a few feel good songs. Sing along - who gives a f what other people think. Try 'What makes you beautiful' by One Direction (I know you know the words).

- Smile at strangers. Send someone that comes to mind an inspirational picture or quote that you really like. Tell someone you love that you love them.

- Browse through funny memes. Watch funny cat videos. Take your dog for a run.

Okay lovely people, I'm almost done. Just remember that we're all going have doubts sometimes, but it doesn't matter how many times you fall.

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight."

Keep moving forward. Have faith in yourself& put your demons to sleep. You are worth so much more than you think. You deserve to have everything that you want. Happiness and Success is your birthright. Do whatever you can, with whatever you have, from wherever you are - and keep your focus on the GOAL.

All my love


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