Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Empowering Beliefs | Design Life

Hello and welcome to the DesignLife blog where we discuss Holistic Beauty, Personal Development and a little bit of Magic! Let's jump right into today's topic. Beliefs. Life will be much easier and much for fun if you believe this (please note that the text in quotation marks below was written by Esther Hicks):

"A belief is only a thought I keep thinking.
A belief is only a thought that I continue to think.
A belief is only my habit of thought.
It’s only a practiced thought.
A belief is only a thought that I think a lot."

This is important, because your beliefs shape your life experience. A belief that you hold influences your behavior, attitude and actions.  According to Esther Hicks (AND my own life experience) when you have a desire or a dream, but your beliefs don't support it, you are preventing it from happening. In other words, you CAN be, do and have anything you want, but if you don't believe in what you want, you are holding yourself back. 

For example, you say: I'd really love to have my own business, but I don't have any time to plan it or any money to support it...

"When you keep saying those things, when you continue to face reality, when you beat the drum of “what is”, when you beat the drum of “what is”, you hold active within yourself a vibrational pattern – a believe is only a thought you keep thinking."

If you are interested in knowing why this is true (although you really only need to know that it IS true), read more about it (or listen to the audio) HERE.

I believe that it is possible to REPLACE old beliefs that aren't serving you, with new beliefs that will. The purpose of this blog post is to collect some of the most powerful beliefs and I am to read them often (hopefully every day!) until I de-activate my old beliefs and these empowering beliefs take their place and become my active vibration. 


1. This moment is meant to be. I can learn and benefit from my reality as it is right now.

2. Every day, in every way, my life is getting (even) better and better!

3. I am responsible for the life I create.

4. I am on a journey of learning, growing and creating and I never want it to end.

5. True love begins with self-love and the world reflects that back to me.

6. New and exciting opportunities are all around me and I love experiencing them all.

7. Don't take it personally.

8. I am constantly developing and expanding new capabilities

9. I make a lot of money doing what I love every day.

10. I am beautiful, inside and out.

11. Miracles happen every day!

12. Life is fun and exciting.

I am filled with peace.

Life is a beautiful balance.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, 
Your thoughts become your words, 
Your words become your actions, 
Your actions become your habits, 
Your habits become your values, 
Your values become your destiny.” 
– Mahatma Gandhi

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